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BMA701 - Leadership and Change Management

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BMA701 - Leadership and Change Management

Offered By: Management

Lecturer: Prof Clive Boddy

Unit Code: BMA701

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BMA701-09534814-2015-28-2A.pdf Al-Haddad, S. and Kotnour, T, 2015, 'Integrating the organizational change literature: a model for successful change', Journal of organizational change management, 28, 234-262 Armenakis, A.A. and Bedeian, A.G, 1999, 'Organizational change: A review of theory and research in the 1990s', Journal of management , 25, 3, 293-315 Bailey, J.R. and Raelin, J.D, 2015, 'Organizations don’t resist change, people do: Modeling individual reactions to organizational change through loss and terror management', Organization management journal , 12, 3, 125-138 Bakari, H., Hunjra, A.I. and Niazi, G.S.K, 2017, 'How Does Authentic Leadership Influence Planned Organizational Change? The Role of Employees’ Perceptions: Integration of Theory of Planned Behavior and Lewin's Three Step Model', Journal of change management, 17, 2, 155-187 Banks, G.C., McCauley, K.D., Gardner, W.L. and Guler, C.E, 2016, 'A meta-analytic review of authentic and transformational leadership: A test for redundancy', The leadership quarterly, 27, 4, 634-652 Boddy, C. R, 2017, 'Psychopathic Leadership: A Case Study of a Corporate Psychopaths CEO', Journal of business ethics, 145, 1, 141-156

BMA701-1352-2752-2016-19-1.pdf Boddy, C. R. & Croft, R, 2016, 'Marketing in a Time of Toxic Leadership', Qualitative market research, 19, 44-64 Boddy, C. R. 2018, ‘Historical Champions of Shareholder Capitalism: Were They Corporate Psychopaths? The Case of Albert Dunlap’ In the proceedings of the British Academy of Management, annual conference, University of the West of England, September. [scroll to paper] Bono, J.E. and Judge, T.A, 2004, 'Personality and transformational and transactional leadership: a meta-analysis', Journal of applied psychology, 89, 5, 901 Buchanan, D., Fitzgerald, L., Ketley, D., Gollop, R., Jones, J.L., Lamont, S.S., Neath, A. and Whitby, E, 2005, 'No going back: A review of the literature on sustaining organizational change', International journal of management reviews, 7, 3, 189-205 Burke, R.J, 2017, 'Toxic leaders : Exploring the dark side', Effective Executive, 20, 1, 10 Burnes, B. and By, R.T, 2012, 'Leadership and change: The case for greater ethical clarity', Journal of business ethics, 108, 2, 239-252 By, R. T, 2005, 'Organisational change management: A critical review', Journal of change management, 5, 4, 369-380 Campbell, K.S., Carmichael, P. and Naidoo, J.S, 2015, 'Responding to hostility: Evidence-based guidance for communication during planned organizational change', Business and professional communication quarterly, 78, 2, 197-214 Canning, J. and Found, P.A, 2015, 'The effect of resistance in organizational change programmes: A study of a lean transformation', International journal of quality and service sciences, 7, 2-3, 274-295 Choi, M, 2011, 'Employees' attitudes toward organizational change: A literature review', Human resource management , 50, 4, 479-500

BMA701-1472-5347-2010-31-1A.pdf Erwin, D.G. and Garman, A.N, 2010, 'Resistance to organizational change: linking research and practice', Leadership & organization development journal, 31, 39-56 Gang, G., Oh, I.S., Courtright, S.H. and Colbert, A.E, 2011, 'Transformational leadership and performance across criteria and levels: A meta-analytic review of 25 years of research', Group & organization management , 36, 2, 223-270 Gilley, A., Gilley, J.W. and McMillan, H.S, 2008, 'Organizational change: Motivation, communication, and leadership effectiveness', Performance improvement quarterly, 21, 4, 75-94 Gilley, A., McMillan, H.S. and Gilley, J.W, 2009, 'Organizational change and characteristics of leadership effectiveness', Journal of leadership & organizational studies, 16, 1, 38-47

CNA748-00178012-78.pdf Goleman, D., 2000, 'Leadership that gets results', Harvard business review, 78, 78-90'_Perceived_Support_in_the_Hotel_Business_Industry Gomes, D., Ribeiro, N. & Morais, J, 2016, 'People in Organizational Change: Using “the Good, the Bad and the Villain” Analogy (Evaluating the Role of Workers’ Perceived Support in the Hotel Business Industry)', International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 3, 10, 16-31 Grawitch, M.J., Gottschalk, M. and Munz, D.C, 2006, 'The path to a healthy workplace: A critical review linking healthy workplace practices, employee well-being, and organizational improvements', Consulting psychology journal : practice and research, 58, 3, 129 Helfat, C.E. and Martin, J.A, 2015, 'Dynamic managerial capabilities: Review and assessment of managerial impact on strategic change', Journal of management , 41, 5, 1281-1312 Higgs, M, 2009, 'The good, the bad and the ugly: Leadership and narcissism', Journal of change management, 9, 2, 165-178 Hiller, N.J., DeChurch, L.A., Murase, T. and Doty, D, 2011, 'Searching for outcomes of leadership: A 25-year review', Journal of management , 37, 42, 1137-1177 Hogan, R. and Hogan, J, 2001, 'Assessing leadership: A view from the dark side', International journal of selection and assessment, 9, 1-2, 40-51 Hogan, R. and Kaiser, R.B, 2005, 'What We Know About Leadership', Review of general psychology, 9, 2, 169-180 Holten, A.L. and Brenner, S.O, 2015, 'Leadership style and the process of organizational change', Leadership & organization development journal, 36, 1, 2-16 Holten, A.L., Hancock, G.R., Mikkelsen, E.G., Persson, R., Hansen, Å.M. and Høgh, A, 2017, 'The longitudinal effects of organizational change on experienced and enacted bullying behaviour', Journal of change management, 17, 1, 67-89 Kaiser, RB, Hogan, R & Craig, SB , 2008, 'Leadership and the fate of organizations', American psychologist, 63, 2, 96

H-CAM523-85-1.pdf Kotter, J., 2007, 'Leading change: why transformation efforts fail', Harvard business review, 85, 96-103 Lewis, L.K. and Seibold, D.R, 1998, 'Reconceptualizing organizational change implementation as a communication problem: A review of literature and research agenda', Annals of the International Communication Association, 21, 1, 93-152 Lipman‐Blumen, J, 2005, 'Toxic leadership: When grand illusions masquerade as noble visions', Leader to leader, 36, 29-36 Miller, D, 2001, 'Successful change leaders : what makes them? What do they do that is different? ', Journal of change management, 2, 4, 359-368 Miller, Vernon D. Johnson, John R. Grau, Jennifer, 1994, 'Antecedents to willingness to participate in a planned organizational change', Journal of applied communication research , 22, 1, 59-80 Oreg, S. and Berson, Y, 2019, 'Leaders’ Impact on Organizational Change: Bridging Theoretical and Methodological Chasms', The Academy of Management annals , 13, 1, 272-307 Oreg, S., Vakola, M. and Armenakis, A, 2011, 'Change recipients’ reactions to organizational change: A 60-year review of quantitative studies', Journal of applied behavioral science, 47, 4, 461-524 Petrou, P., Demerouti, E. and Xanthopoulou, D, 2017, 'Regular versus cutback-related change: The role of employee job crafting in organizational change contexts of different nature', International journal of stress management, 24, 1, 62 Rosenberg, S. and Mosca, J, 2011, 'Breaking down the barriers to organizational change', International journal of management &​ information systems, 15, 3, 139-146

BMA701-1472-5347-2009-30-2A.pdf Self, D.R, Schraeder, M, 2009, 'Enhancing the success of organizational change: Matching readiness strategies with sources of resistance', Leadership & organization development journal, 30, 167-182 Sparr, J.L, 2018, 'Paradoxes in Organizational Change: The Crucial Role of Leaders’ Sensegiving', Journal of change management, 18, 2, 162-180 Stouten, J., Rousseau, D.M. and De Cremer, D, 2018, 'Successful organizational change: Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures', The Academy of Management annals , 12, 2, 752-788 Thomas, T.A., Gentzler, K. and Salvatorelli, R, 2016, 'What Is Toxic Followership?', Journal of Leadership Studies, 10, 3, 62-65 Thoroughgood, C.N., Hunter, S.T. and Sawyer, K.B, 2011, 'Bad apples, bad barrels, and broken followers? An empirical examination of contextual influences on follower perceptions and reactions to aversive leadership', Journal of business ethics, 100, 4, 647-672 Turner Parish, J., Cadwallader, S. and Busch, P, 2008, 'Want to, need to, ought to: employee commitment to organizational change', Journal of organizational change management, 21, 1, 32-52 Van der Voet, J, 2014, ' The effectiveness and specificity of change management in a public organization: Transformational leadership and a bureaucratic organizational structure', European management journal, 32, 3, 373-382 van der Voet, J, 2016, 'Change leadership and public sector organizational change: Examining the interactions of transformational leadership style and red tape', American review of public administration, 46, 6, 660-682 Worley, C.G. and Mohrman, S.A, 2014, 'Is change management obsolete?', Organizational dynamics , 43, 3, 214-224 Yasir, M., Imran, R., Irshad, M.K., Mohamad, N.A. and Khan, M.M, 2016, 'Leadership styles in relation to employees’ trust and organizational change capacity: evidence from non-profit organizations', SAGE open, 6, 4, 1-12